🫂️ Friends 🫂️


Evan is a mystery. He has secret powers and everyone likes him. I wonder what he thinks about.

* Most improved


Greg is my BFF. He is so creative and even very cool. He helped me program this website. I think one day he will have children.

* Creative inspiration


Mettro is a very smart wine sipper. His dialogue lines are never pre-written which makes clients love him. As do i.

* Friend of the month


Chris is an outstanding filmmaker, one time he dressed like his banana boat sunscreen (pictured left). He also holds the YouTube spa high score.

* YouTube Spa highcore holder


Adam feels like drinking Pepsi while eating spicy food. What a ride. I like the way he laughs.


Adriana is a savvy businesswoman and World Traveller. A little fairy told me she will be the host of Complexcon 2042.


Albert loves sound.


Alex recently got in a terrible accident…. His muscles are very big, just like his smile.

Alex S.

Alex S. has been at sea for 48 months. Come home Alex S.


Alexei Morita (250k+ Tiktok) (IG deleted at 20M) (Clients include Nescafe, HotelX, Toronto Maple Leafs, Bauer..) is a very nice guy. I wish I had his hair. I wish I had his smile, but more than all that, I wish him good luck.


Alwyn has a convincing argument as to why the earth might be flat. I don't necessarily believe him, but he got me pretty close. That dude is a level 10 triller.


Andrew has an exceptional sound system in his car. And he knows when it’s time to start drinking. I may never understand exactly what it is that he does.

Andrew McC.

Andrew McC lived a healthy life before accidentally signing up for basic training where he accidentally broke both of his knees in a freak accident. He is now living in retirement under constant supervision. Thank you for your service!

Andrew McT.

Andrew McT is my childhood neighbor. Andrew McT loves roller coasters. Hey Andrew, have you ever tried Roller Coaster Tycoon? Me neither!

Andrew R.

Andrew R. fell in love with a dog one time. But now he is in love with a girl.

Anna B.

Anna B. is an angel, a porcelain baby-skinned apparition with a heart of gold. One time she told me

Anna T.

Anna T. told me I could say whatever I want about her.

Austin G.

Austin G. is the first billionaire™ I ever met.

Austin M.

Austin Marton (not to be confused with the car brand) looks like Jesse Pinkman's girlfriend from Breaking Bad (2009), if she had a thick black mustache.


Ben J is very similar to Gru from Despicable Me (2011) He has created small nanobots that live inside the fridge in his basement. He has also created a virtual monoculture of organic material, and I am afraid his hazmat suit has a leak. He will be patient zero. Mark my words.

Ben J.

Ben J is very similar to Gru from Despicable Me (2011) He has created small nanobots that live inside the fridge in his basement. He has also created a virtual monoculture of organic material, and I am afraid his hazmat suit has a leak. He will be patient zero. Mark my words.


Blair is the greatest chef I've ever met. I love talking to him about food, basketball and cats.

Blue Tony

Blue Tony only started drinking scotch in order to prevent gagging during business deals. He is on track to becoming moderately wealthy. Not to be confused with Tony (see Tony).


Brendan is the first true carnivore I've ever met. Here's his daily diet: Post-Workout Coffee (500ml) (Emulsify 1 stick melted butter) at 4AM. 34 oz T-Bone Steak. Basted in 1 stick of butter. 6PM. Sleep tight Brendan!


Cailin made me the greatest cup of coffee I've ever drank. Thanks Cailin!


Callum always wears undershirts. He loves Grand Theft Auto. I think that he is a spy. His eyes have cameras inside them. I wonder if he works out.


Carina is the catalyst to my fashion taste. In 2016, she woke me up to the world that exists outside of Walmart and Joe Fresh. I credit her for my swag. Nowadays, I shop at Walmart and Joe Fresh.


Chevron is a tall pike. He is a star triangle. He is a grande chai tea latte HOT. He might not know it, but it's all going downstairs...


Chuck McIntosh is best friends with Raf. He may come across as a little grumpy, but he means the best and wants to see the kids fly.


Clare inspires me to run, but i hate running. I think she must be happy as someone who is physically active. I think i might be too.


I've only met Colin recently, but he's a great bloke and works hard. I hope that in the next two weeks, he has at least one very nice relaxing day.


Cruz is way shorter than i remember, so it’s always a surprise to see her. She is a nice shiny bubble that pops when you touch it. It’s a good memory.


Damian is a former soldier, a famous actor, and a total hunk. Don't ask him how he got his "scar"...


Dan is like an interesting rock, in that he has been cool far longer than you could imagine. Dan reminds me of mold (non-derogatory).


Daniel is a global powerhouse. I like the way he laughs. I remember smoking cigarettes with Daniel in the basement of an unknown Italian family in 2018.


Danny is a man of few words, but he always put a smile on my face.


Dean is a ghost from a past life. The only evidence of his existence is through this photo. I think he yelled at me once, but I forgive him since he currently lives on the street I was born on, which is a nice coincidence.

DJ Son

DJ Son is an artist/producer/event DJ/and a physics student based in Ottawa Ontario Canada. Here is DJ Son's mission statement: Being a beacon of hope and give relief from the barrage of relentless negativity and anti integrity/values from the major record labels to all the ages.


Dylan is a handsome young lad who looks like he plays hockey. He originates from Ocean City and rides a Harley Davidson.

Dylan B.

Dylan B. comes off as a total dirtbag. He really set a terrible first impression, but after a long time I realized that Dylan is actually quite an intelligent man. He has certain schemes which I cannot speak about at this time.

Dylan P.

Dylan P. is a top-level redditor. I find joy and novelty in his company. If he ever gets bored with all that money, I personally invite him to spend it all on my personal interests.


Elliott lives in Miami now, but we forgive him since he's a kindhearted supportive mentor figure. One day I want to beat Elliott in an arm-wrestling competition.


Emmanuelle is a secret agent. I’m not sure if she knows it yet. Either way, she has an eye for everything.


Et3rnalSumm3r reminded me while we met, to value my youth.


In this world there are people who are stars, and people who are rocks. Feef is a star. He is very strong and inspires me to have more control over my body. One day he will float into the sky.


Finn is a great philosopher. I think he believes in vaping and becoming a tradesperson. In 5-10 years, he will live in Alberta with his wife and two daughters. Fun Fact: He will receive a CAD $5000 moving bonus after living & working in Alberta for 12 months.


Fred is a method actor. Right now he’s playing a human being. Fred lives in Toronto. I like that part.


Gabe is the lord of wealth. He has a cool car, 2 motorcycles and an awesome job. He is constantly generous, compassionate, welcoming and warm. One day he will find the love of his life.


Gabriel is the youngest GOAT in Toronto. One day, I will shine his shoes.


Georgia would probably make great reviews for Temu or Shein.


Graham is a top G and he knows it. He has special ears that can hear things that nobody else does. He's gonna make a big car one day.


Gwen is suspiciously witchy, but in a good way. I think that her and Cameron brew potions while everyone is sleeping. Perhaps not even Cameron knows her secrets.


Heran is a visionary. She lives 25 years ahead of time.


Ian once told me "Never ever, under ANY circumstance, drink a cappuccino in the afternoon" I later saw him drinking a cappuccino at 15:30. He denies it to this day. Next time you go to Thailand Ian PLEASE bring us back Chang Beer™ hats. I want to steal your swag.


Ingrid is a part of the circus.


Jack is a million dollar man. I think he’s never smelled bad once. He would flirt with a wall if it could talk back.


Jacob Phair is a bundle of love and joy. He has a special knack for recommending good nickelback songs. One day Jacob will scare us.


Jake Norman gave up on his life when he abandoned his 600-episode-long TV series which he had been actively writing for several years. Now he works as a casting producer for Canada's Got Talent. One day Jake will run over someone with his car.


Jaylen loves milk and the Pittsburgh Penguins.

Jeremy AD

Jeremy AD recently grew a moustache. He is very handsome now! Thanks Jeremy!


Jill is like a nice big smile. I think she knows a thing or two about the world’s secrets. Like a warm cup of tea.


Joey is like a big dog who thinks he's a small dog. He will hide behind a small tree thinking you won't see him.


Jono is a vampire. His bedroom is really cool because it's so dark and moody but also covered in beautiful flowers. He has a very powerful flashlight and a back massager. He inspires everyone around him to smoke weed and drink red bull. Jono has nice nails.


Josh is a silly little trickster. He has a sneaky smile and a good creative soul. One day i think he will have a nice car.


JohnPaul Mario (JP) is a lover, a critic, a knower, and a hater. He has grand ideas, and small issues, but overall he is my friend. He teaches everyone around him a cool thing or two that makes the world feel a little more interesting. If you ever see him on the street, tell him: "F*ck off Geezer".

The Joker

The Joker is JP's alter ego. One day JP will be driven insane and turn to a life of crime and chaos in Gotham City while becoming an infamous psychopathic crime figure.


Kaela was a nice person, she always tried to make things right.


Karensa is my favourite tornado. She shows me new colours and i like that.

Katie B.

Katie B. is the greatest darts player I've ever met. Last time i faced her, I lost a $3000 dollar wager. I'll get you next time Katie... grr...

Katie S.

Katie S. reminds me a lot of garfield. That may seem like an insult, but it's actually a glowing compliment. I also think that her dedication to solving geopolitical tensions in southern Ontario™ is admirable.


Kahma is a pure soul.


Kevin Pavlov is physically in Ottawa, Ontario, but his heart and soul are in the prairies. He knows how to play the guitar. I love the way his singing voice has changed over the years.


Kinkade is an angel. I think he will live forever. His smile is contagious.


Kian loves cigars, his vineyard, and his Mercedes Benz™.


Kiyan doesn’t like to talk after he takes edibles, but that’s okay because we already know he is very smart.

Kris From White's

Kris from White's is a legendary man. He is always so chill and nice. Whenever I see him he always daps me up. I love that guy sm man.


Krish got his motorcycle stolen recently, but then he got it back.

Kyle C.

Never cross this man. If he wants to talk smack about someone with you, he will approach you and say "So... what do you think about that person?".

Kyle H.

Kyle H. has been missing from the function for like 4.5 years but that doesnt mean I don't fw him heavy. Keep skating and crushing "bowls".


Lucy used to own a Sony a7iii, but after a few years she realized that cameras don't matter. What really matters is being nice, being welcoming, sharing ideas, and having fun! Lucy looks like she can see ghosts.


Mackenzie is like an old acoustic guitar. He always smells good and earthy and always has a nice song to sing. One day I will go to his house


Mariella has very long hair. It reminds me of a waterfall. I like her take on life: "It's better to be lucky than to be good".


Mark has been hiding in a cave on the southwest side of the Scarborough Bluffs for a while now. He has an evergreen sort of bliss to him. If Mark was ever in the same room as Kinkade, I think the world would explode.

Matt C.

Matt C. is a very crazy boy. I think he knows that too. If the game of life was set to easy mode, he’d be your first BFF.

Matt H.

Matt H. is a very safe driver. He also likes Pokemon. I think that’s awesome.

Matt L.

Matt Leiper (More commonly known as Marcel Laurent) is famously known for becoming voluntarily homeless on the coast of France in 2023. He spent over 3 weeks on the streets, building a cult following day after day of performing amazing reggae music on the beach. On the third day Marcel was ravaged by a famous spider, leaving him covered in bites and scars. He may or may not have developed powers after "IT" happened…


Megan is a prototype for the next generation of Epic Society. She loves her Bape™ sweater and always finds time to smoke a tasty cigarette. One day I will pay her for the amazing art she makes.


Mei is an enigma. I think she must be a DLC character. She always appears in random cutscenes. Her paintings are cool.


Meredith is an important figure, she is the matriarch. I learn a lot when she’s around.


Michael is a very smart person. I admire his intellect and judo skills. One day he will have a nice backyard.

Nick D.

Nick D. is a total trainwreck. He has no swag, no balls, no life, no wife, no kids, no fruits of labour. But God damn he's so damn hot in this photo… and hey, you know what he said one time? "I just work here" ;)

Nick S.

Nick loves comic books, spaghetti, and B&W movies. He is ashamed of his Scottish heritage, and claims to be Italian when amongst strangers.


OD will change the world for the better. She gives excellent advice.


Oliver is a S tier guy. He loves nerf guns and pumping iron. One day he will have a lovely family and a large backyard.

Oy Lein

Oy Lein is a featherweight socialite with no taste for alcohol or music. She mainly spends her time inside researching seed variants (mainly native to northern Mexico).


P is a former student of Virgil Abloh. One day she will be on the TIME's magazine list of 100 most influential figures.


Paolo is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ™.


PCtheInfamous is an aspiring rapper and fashion designer. He makes custom apparel using upcycled materials, with a punk/grunge/distressed feel. Most of his pieces are completely handmade, and often incorporate inspiration from the music he listens to, as well as the feelings he absorbs from living in Montreal (especially during the winter).


PettyPuta is a strong supporter of the arts (specifically our art). It is often speculated that her joint rolling skills were unmatched at their peak in 2019.

Polaroid Kev

Polaroid Kev (K-Rod) is the all-time greatest GOAT of all time. When T-Pain had the opportunity to meet K-Rod, they bonded instantly. Unfortunately, T-Pain got mad when K-Rod parked the Chevrolet™ Suburban™ on the wrong side of the lake, famously forcing T-Pain to walk almost 300m.


Polly and Blue Tony recently had a falling out, but ironically, it was not her fault this time. See, Blue Tony was caught using her car for "business purposes" last month and it's safe to say she was NOT happy. Well surprise surprise, yesterday she caught Blue Tony AGAIN but this time he was in MIAMI!!!


Prudence used to be my wife. We had a gut-wrenching divorce. We are friends now.


Raf is best friends with a man named Chuck. Oftentimes he smiles and nods, but I can't tell if he means it. I think Raf would really enjoy camping.




Roman is a beam of sunlight through a nice old glass window. He has such wonder in his eyes, but I wonder if he ever feels lonely. At least he has God with him.

Ryan W.

Ryan Wazik is a freak man, like a total freak. He showed me some awesome russian wrestling videos that took him 5 months to torrent. I love this guy. Ryan, if you're reading this, it's too late.


Sabina is a superfood. She can clean her house while hungover. I find that very impressive.


Sahan works at a Nuclear Power Plant And Loves Fencing. I am grateful that he continues to invite me to the annual Christmas Party. I remain bashful that I could not make it in 2018.


Sam is such a classy guy. He wouldn’t hurt a fly unless it was being annoying. Sam reminds me of Backwoods and 808’s.


Santiago is so colourful. If you gave him a pair of shoes for every pair of shoes he has, he would have at least 120 pairs of shoes. He has a nice smile.

Scott R.

Scott R. loves three things: Cats, Candy, and his swim spa.

Scott S.

Scott S is amazing. He is a loving father of three boys, and is commonly referred to as the greatest British actor of all time. His role as Poncious Pilot in the soon-to-be cult classic "PERCOCET JESUS" made waves on the IMDB homepage in mid-2025.


Shane is very very cool. He loves camo hats and wears a nice moustache.


Shari hates my overuse of emojis. Shari I'm sorry, I can't help myself, I love emojis.

Sofiacide Singer

I can't remember this guy's name for the life of me… but he is so sweet and a great singer!


Spooky always eats toothpicks, i wonder if he has ever swallowed one by accident. Either way, i think he will go far in life. And i like the shape of his head.


Stephen is very special. He reminds me of a bag of Lays Original Chips. He is sneakily very good.


Sydney always knows where the vape is, even if she won’t admit it. I admire her swagger.


Tam loves squishmellows and has anger issues. I think she will be a happy wife to Krish. We bonded over our shared love of The Minions™.


Tech said something very important to me one time. He looked me in the eyes and clenched his teeth. "stillworking" He muttered. Tech is genuinely one of the kindest people you'll see in Toronto. He will remember your face and show you love no matter how long it's been.


Tess is like a passport. If you lose her, you're screwed.

Thomas A.

Thomas Allan is a forever student. He currently holds three bachelor's, two master's, and a doctorate in chess theory. After a brief hiatus, he will invent the small sky theory.

Thomas V.

Thomas Varghese is a global traveller, music fan, amateur photographer, certified leadership coach, and textile mogul. His instagram presence is genuinely inspiring to western youth, mainly through his portrayal of living an honest and loving life. His retirement was a massive hit to the textile industry, but those he coached will carry his torch into the dark.


Vanessa loves calico critters. I think if she ever got dementia, she would definitely spend all of her money on calico critters.


Vrish has one of my favourite laughs. You can tell he really means it. His party trick is to fall down a full set of stairs without injuring himself. It's quite impressive, really.


Wendy is my idol.

Will C.

Will C. was like a father to me. Losing him was one of the toughest things I've endured. I hope the trip to Greece was worth it...

Will W.

Will Wang, I miss you! How have you been?


William Leathers is the most talented musician I know. He can play the Piano and the Trumpet at the same time. William has shown me nothing but kindness in my years as his friend. I hope that William


Xylk is a rockstar, the type who likes to be very sneaky and serious but deep down is so warm and loving. He has a childlike wonder which makes him special.


Yerb loves Tim Hortons™ Peach Iced Tea.


Yern loves Tim Hortons™ Peach Iced Tea.


Zellers is the strongest man I know. One day he will save the life of an innocent child involved in the car crash caused by Jake Norman.